Woolmark Performance Challenge
Specialism description



Woolmark Performance Challenge

The future of performance material innovation

An ideas platform for the sports and performance market, the Woolmark Performance Challenge prompts participants to explore the next generation of truly sustainable, innovative sports apparel, honing in on the use of durable bio fibers and the innovative nature of Merino wool.

The 2022 Woolmark Performance Challenge, awarded by The Woolmark Company in partnership with Salomon, unveiled the winners and finalist concepts at ISPO Munich.

Accept & Proceed worked closely with The Woolmark Company to generate a series of 3D fabric simulations that represent the concepts of the finalists, from a hero film to a range of social assets.

Our challenge was to recreate such a broad range of material concepts ranging from the overall winner Giulia Ciola’s rapidly decomposing membrane containing wool, which shifts our perspective of the life span of apparel, to Chloe Jerolaman’s modular and adaptive panelling system using merino wool blends that adapts to athletes with varied physical disabilities and to accommodate prosthetics.

We combined highly produced 3D renders of the finalists concept materials with a technical graphic layer. The high detail and fidelity of the 3D fabrics and a technical graphic layer elevated the finalists work, whilst also reinforcing the perception of Merino wool as a high performance, technical, innovation material. We used graphic key lines within the films as a way of revealing information and stitching the content together. A continuous line of thread leading the viewer through the film and linking the concepts together.